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Why BullionStar?

Founded in 2012 as a Bullion dealer of the people, for the people, we believe that Gold is Money. Our Mission is to give everyone across the world to access to Real money, whether physically, or to their name.


The precious metal companies that the founders of BullionStar have operated have tens of thousands of satisfied customers. For maximum transparency, the customer is always in full control and can follow each step of the order process online. For even further reassurance, BullionStar employs 5 different audit methods for customer to transparently be able to verify the existence of their stored bullion.


Our multi-jurisdictional storage solution, means that BullionStar customers can buy, sell, store, withdraw and audit in three diversified locations from one secure system. With strong property rights in all our chosen jurisdictions, your bullion remains your property and BullionStar functions solely as your secure storage provider.


With tens of thousands of satisfied customers and over $2 billion in precious metals transacted, BullionStar customers are certain of our dedication to security, transparency, and reliability in all aspects of our operation.


Confidentiality is a priority for BullionStar. We understand that one of the reasons for acquiring bullion might be to reduce the exposure and counter party risk that governments and banks represent. BullionStar will never share any customer information with anyone except if ordered to do so by a court of law in Singapore only.

Minimal Taxes

We carefully curate our products in each jurisdiction to offer as many Tax Free options as possible. Most of our offered products are Tax free in the jurisdiction they are available in.

A Full Feature Set

Your BullionStar account is a powerhouse, giving you access to a wide range of services and features. Among these features are:

And many more!

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