This is a special 20th anniversary edition of the popular Canadian Gold Maple Leaf bullion coin that was introduced by the Royal Canadian Mint in 1979.
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Country: Canada
Diameter: 25 mm
Thickness: 2.23 mm
Purity: 99.99%
Weight: 0.5 troy oz (15.6 gram)
Tax Status: No Tax/No GST
Product Information:
The 24 karat gold Canadian Maple Leaf bullion gold coin is one of the world’s most stylish and popular gold bullion coins, and is highly demanded throughout the gold investing world, in Asia, Europe and the US.
Produced at the Royal Canadian Mint’s (RCM's) famous Ottawa minting facility, the 1/2 oz Canadian gold Maple Leaf is essentially pure gold, and has been crafted to an unsurpassed gold purity standard of .9999 since 1986.
The Royal Canadian Mint is a Canadian Crown Corporation and is renowned in the minting world for its high quality and exactingly designed gold coins. As a fully-owned entity of the Canadian Government, the RCM guarantees the purity and authenticity of every gold Maple Leaf coin leaving its facility.
The obverse of the coin features a modern portrait of Queen Elizabeth II, Canada’s head of state, with the coin’s face value $20, and the year of manufacture inscribed in an arc below. The reverse of the coin features a stylised Maple Leaf surrounded by the words ‘CANADA’ and ‘FINE GOLD’ ‘1/2 OZ OR PUR’, together with the gold coin’s purity 9999.
A special 20 years ANS Privy marks the 20th anniversary of the introduction of the Canadian Maple Leaf gold coin. The gold Maple Leaf 1 oz coin was first launched by the RCM in 1979.
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